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About Us

Our Vision

Transforming & engaging in the continuous learning process, necessary in a rapidly advancing world. Identifying and addressing critical issues related to the education of all people and using technology to broaden, improve and support learning opportunities.

Our Mission

To build a better future for all. This includes students, educators, parents and institutions. We fulfill our mission by preparing competent, committed, reflective leaders and innovators of tomorrow, as we engage in outstanding teaching, impactful research and meaningful outreach.

Why Skill Stride?

Today’s children are exposed to a digital world that is fast, interactive and engaging with instant access to information through the internet, smartphones, video games, virtual, mixed and augmented realities and whatnot. They are clearly an indispensable part of every child’s world.

Our solutions and methodology not only inculcate the necessary 21st century skillset but also enhances the academic excellence of students, allows them to discover the personal context and strengthens their intellectual vitality. With an aim to unleash the scientist and the technologist inside a child, Skill Stride Education has made remarkable inception by exposing school children to the wonderful world of tech. We have a young and dynamic team dedicated to ideate, create and deliver world-class tech-based education program for school students in the form of workshops, year-long program and lab facility setup.

The majority of the STEM kits available in the market have been imported from either China or the USA, our value proposition lies in the fact that we manufacture our own kits and equipment. In areas where we lack expertise, we have successfully collaborated with companies in the UK and USA to ensure a top-quality product and associated program. This allows us to provide access to premium content at an affordable cost to all stakeholders.


Every activity organized by Skill Stride Education ensures hands-on learning, opportunities to work in teams, and the chance to learn new technologies. In addition, special effort is taken to use national and international competition as motivation thus creating a healthy environment that mirrors an engineering workplace as students and mentors collaborate, meet deadlines, program design, build and present their work in front of others.

If your child is one of them, walking into a typical classroom of our times then it is imperative that we may observe a negative impact on their natural instincts and behavior. It is time we accept these realities and open our minds to adopt more technology into our education systems. Skill Stride Education strives to create learning experiences that resonate with current and next-generation learners.

Skill Stride Education has endeavored to understand, address and strengthen the unique learning styles and problem-solving strategies employed by today’s children as compared to the rest of us. Skill Stride education has identified the following universally accepted characteristics in them namely:small attention span, preference for short, specific and relevant information on concepts within lessons, novel methodologies of learning, assimilation and retention of information, love for rich and engaging multimedia content and most importantly learning on-the-go, anytime, anywhere, on their personal devices.

Through its technology-based programs, Skill Stride Education ensures that a classroom is no longer a place, that students dread to walk into, or yearn to walk out off but alife transforming experiences with rich, engaging, interactive and most importantly fun content.

In the coming years, Technology will be deployed both inside and outside the classroom. Does this mean that the role of teachers is no longer significant? Certainly not!! Technology is just a means to an end. The real magic would be in the hands of educators, instructors and content creators. Skill Stride Education works towards creating an environment that best suits the student and not an environment that they are comfortable with. We make educators and instructors embrace technology thereby using it effectively to bring about a change.

Thanks to our R&D team that develops new products, methods, processes and applications, Skill Stride Education has managed to develop Models and Curriculum which inculcate mechatronic, S.T.E.A.M and programming skills amongst the students. The world-class curriculum induces logical thinking, observation, analysis and creativity thus sharpening their mind, making them more inclusive and holistic in approaching their life goals.

Qualified Adult mentors play an integral part in Skill Stride’s programs providing varying levels of guidance to students as they design and build their robots/ products, especially at the secondary level where technology and robot construction are more advanced. Mentors on the team positively impact student learning and influence their experience the same way teachers impact student learning in their classroom.


Technology is everywhere. It’s hard to imagine any aspect of our life that doesn’t involve it. People of all ages, all walks of life make use of technology in one way or other in their daily lives. It has changed the way we eat, live, work, play and most importantly learn!!

Robotics & Coding

Robotics allows students to see their thinking in a real way as they go through trial and error until the task is accomplished and the robot's motions are performed as originally intended.
Perseverance through struggle, problem-solving, a sense of agency, and collaboration (when working in pairs) are all encouraged, fostered, and achieved through such projects.

Virtual Reality

Introducing a whole new concept in educational technology: a ‘standalone’ Virtual Reality headset complete with a unique student-friendly interface, gesture controls, embedded educational resources and simple-to-use teacher controls.
VR is a groundbreaking new technology designed to help raise engagement and increase knowledge retention for students of all ages. And it's affordable too, really affordable...

Next Generation Lab

Our hands-on probeware and data logging solutions connect your students directly to science and STEM concepts with classroom technology such as sensors, interfaces and data collection and analysis software.
We also provide high quality lab equipment for physics and engineering and offer complete curriculum (textbooks, eBooks and integrated lab technology) for Physics and Chemistry and much more...






Hours of Excellence



Our Team

A Team of motivated dynamic individuals started Skill Stride Education with the motto of promoting technology, scientific thinking and innovation, creating an unmatched aura of creativity among students. Today it is an established skill development brand, reaching out to more than 2,000 kids in over 10 Schools across Chennai in a short span of time.

Siddharth Mehta

Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder Know more


Founder Know more

Our Clients

Contact Us

Old #74 / New #70, Dr.Alagappa Road, Purasaiwakkam,
Landmark : Near VK Hospital,
Chennai 600084, Tamil Nadu, India.

044 4322 7720

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